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International Day of Conscience

Dear Reader,

Please join us, along with our co-organisers Sofia Stril-Rever and Sarah Noble, on 5 April, 2024, to celebrate the International Day of Conscience dedicated to the youth of the world. This event will be taking place at the Palais des Nations, United Nations in Geneva or can be followed on-line.


"Be the change you want to see in the world," the Mahatma Gandhi asserted in the last century. At the dawn of the new millennium, we answer him with Sofia Stril-Rever, "Be the love you want to see in the world."

According to the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 19 July, 2019, the International Day of Conscience is dedicated to “the promotion of a culture of peace with conscience and love”. It calls us to rethink and rearchitect the way we can build a lasting peace based on conscience and love.

Love is not just a feeling, experienced individually. It is also a collective force for social change, world peace, and human evolution. History proves that leaders of conscience and love, such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela or Malala can shape a future of peace, solidarity, and justice.

To shift our mindsets that condition our vision and therefore our action in the world, on 5 April , 2024, in the presence of Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of the City of Geneva, of UN and UNESCO officials, we are bringing together physicists and biologists, representatives of ancestral traditions, experts in sustainability and the 17 SDGs, peace activists, artists, writers and meditators, and young global changemakers.

To find out more about this unique day and see the full programme, please visit our website.

Registrations open on 5 March, 2024

Warm regards,

Your Caux Initiatives of Change Team

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